Our mission is to spark curiosity and a love for nature and science in kids (and grown-ups too)! As mums, marine biologists, and picture book authors, our STEM-focused books bring research to life in a way that is both fun and accessible, empowering parents, teachers, and students to explore the wonders of the natural world, page by page. By bridging the gap between science and everyday life, we hope to encourage everyone to take small, meaningful actions to protect our planet’s future.
Now, as mothers with families of our own, we have reunited to focus on STEM education and children’s science literature. Through our experiences, we have realized that there is a significant gap between scientific output and the general public, especially for children, in terms of accessibility to science and breadth of topics covered. Through our children’s books we aim to bridge this gap, making emerging science not only fun and exciting, but also accessible and understandable.